We all  agree  that  quality education is crucial not only  to  have  sustainable growth in our  country  but also  to catch  up  with a constantly  changing world.

We believed that children in Bahir Dar deserved access  to quality  education and we also believed  that it is  our responsibility  to do the  best  we can  to  help our community.

BahirDar Academy started its first class in  September  2001  with 140 students and 9 staff  members. In 2008 it served 2200 students and created employment  for 166 full time staff. the school  is designed  to   provide   education from  kindergarten  to  grade  12.  It  will  continue  to work  for  excellence  by  making  knowledge  accessible  for young  achievers.

we are privilege to serve the brightest mind of our nation!

"Conducive Environment"

We strongly  believe that a positive  learning Environment is essential for learning.  Wmake  sure that our students are enjoying  the process of learning.

AII BahirDar Academy staff has firm  commitment  to   make  a  difference.   More   over  all  have  a strong sense of  longing  ness,  are  highly  supportive and enthusiastic.

For students the  school  day  begins with  very  happy and educative messages by  the mini -media department every  morning.

Equal opportunity for  all is one of  our core values and   every  student  is  treated  equally   regardless  of their sex,  religion, or ethnic back ground.


Our  goal  is to  provide  an excellent  education  for our  students, preparing  them   thoroughly for  transition  into the upper level for  university. 

Our  curriculum is mainly  based on the Ethiopian national    Curriculum.    But   we   provide   additional classes  like   ICT,   Supplementary    English,  Math’s, Science,  spoken  English  and  we  apply  Montessori principles  at  our  kindergarten.  Cooking  class  from grade 7 and above.


 We aspire to see developed Ethiopia by independent  and productive  citizens


Provide quality education by creating conducive environment for learning

Bahirdar Academy’s vision is to see developed Ethiopia by independent and productive citizens.  We all realize the importance of having a well-trained human resource to expedite our country’s development. Schools  play a major role in preparing the youth for the leadership tomorrow. Therefore, it  is our belief that a good school must have two  important elements  in order to achieve its goals. One,  a conducive  environment for learning.

  This  statement includes the physical and psychological safety of children, boys and girl; an environment where children feel safe and accepted; and an environment where all  children regardless of their sex, ethnic background or religious back ground would be treated equally. Therefore the safety of our students is top priority.

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"ትምህርት ቤቶችን አሳዩኝና ስለሀገራችሁ ልንገራችሁ" ፍሬዓለም ሽባባው