KG,Primary,Elmentary and Highschool
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Education should not be about only getting diplomas or certificates or degrees, education must be about acquiring practical knowledge that changes the way we think and the way we make a decision so that we can change our life our community's life and make the world a better place for everyone, including women, and children. An American writer once said "You don't need fancy intellectual traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with the desire to better themselves." The desire to learn, the desire to grow in knowledge and experience, the desire to be ahead of time cannot be stooped if one is committed to change one's self

Learning  does not take  place only at school for  children, they  learn  from  what  they see and hear from  their  environment, especially they  learn  from  what  their  parents  do.  Parents are the  first and most  influential  teachers  of  their  children.  Bahirdar  Academy acknowledges the significant role of  parents  in their  children’s  life.  We also understand  that  parenting  is a challenging responsibility that  needs a support system  from  communities  and schools.  In  the  coming years

we will work  in this area  by collaborating  with  dedicated  parents  toward  setting  up a support system  for parents  to  help them  accomplish  their goals in  raising a successful  child.

There  is  not  a  better  time  for  the  need for  quality education  and good schools for  children  in our  community.  This time of  transition  to  economic growth  would mean more  mothers will  go to work.  It is great news that  mothers are  being educated and aiming for economic independence, but we must make sure  that  children are  in good hands.  There  is  no gain at all  if  we leave children  behind  for  the  sake of  development.  The Wellbeing  of  children  should be our  society’s

top  priority  because they are the  future of  our  country.  Therefore we must  cooperate, generate new ideas, and work together  to  make sure  that  children  are well and they are  heading to  the right  direction Seeing children  being engaged in education  in an environment  that  nurtures  and encourages learning,  having different  facilities  where  children  can explore and enjoy  learning,  has been the most  rewarding  experience  ever  in  BahirDar  Academy.  We will continue  to  work for  the children of  Bahirdar to  make their dreams  come true  by making learning  enjoyable and accessible.


Finally,  we would like  to  congratulate  the graduates  from  grade  12  for their  determination  and hard  work;  we also have no  doubt  that  they  will  successfully  finish  their  university  studies  and make  us all proud.  And we also would like to  congratulate  their  parents and their  teachers, you all made a big difference  in their  life.  We would like  to  also congratulate  all the students  of Bahirdar  Academy for their outstanding achievements.  And to all BDA staff, thank you for your outstanding  work  this  year. You all are  wonderful  team  to  work  with.

Frealem  Shibabaw 


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